• Chloe looking away from the camera whilst stood on a sandy beach. She’s wearing a yellow coat, blue jeans and is holding a long cane.
    Disability,  Life Update

    My shifted perception of disability

    I’ve been writing this blog for almost 9 years. During this time I’ve learnt a lot, and I hope I’ve been able to teach others a few things along the way. Yet it’s evident that my outlook on disability has shifted over the years. The 15 year old who started this blog was shy and hadn’t given much thought about what it meant to be disabled. Like everyone else, my teenage years and early 20’s have been pivotal in shaping my outlook, views and self-perception. But how has my view of disability evolved since starting my blog?

  • Outside a house. The sun is setting with trees in the background. Focal point is a red and white house
    Disability,  Life Update

    Buying a house as a young disabled adult

    I suppose this post is more of a life update, I’m buying my first house! Yet I hope sharing my own experiences will help others who are at the same stage of their life. Currently I live in my family home. I graduated university nearly 3 years ago but, despite living away in halls and a shared house, it made sense to move back home. Not only did this make sense from a practical point of view, it meant I could contribute board and save money. I also am fortunate enough to get on well with my family!

  • Chloe stood in a park. Wearing a red coat and holding a long cane
    Disability,  Life Update

    A realistic review of my 2020 goals

    I’m not one for New Years Resolutions, yet 1st January 2020 I wrote a list of goals for the year. I aimed to have a more focused and intentional year where I aimed to find a work-life balance. Little did I know, a global pandemic was just around the corner.

  • Chloe sat on the grass smiling at the camera. She is wearing sunglasses, a white top and an orange skirt
    Disability,  Life Update,  Visual Impairment

    “But you don’t look blind!”

    If you’re blind or partially sighted you’ve probably heard this comment before. However, on the surface I agree with you. I can’t possibly be blind if I look at you, use my phone or look into the camera for a picture. On the other hand, I can be registered blind and do all of those things.